Cheesecake - lite



10 weight watchers oat digestive buscuits
40g low fat spread [Vitalite]
1 sachet of Dr.Oetker gelatine
100g of soft fruit blackberriess/strawberries/blueberries [to suit]
3 tea spoon of artificial sweetener
50g low fat Philadelphia cheese
250g 0% fat Greek yogurt
Few drops of vanilla essence
Fresh mint sprigs [leaves] to garnish

  • Place 4 7.5cm wide baking rings on a plate and set aside
  • Put the biscuits in a sandwich bag and crush them to make fine crumbs
  • Combine with the melted low fat spread then spoon into the baking rings, pressing the mixture down firmly. Chill in the fridge for 30 mins
  • Blend 50g of the soft fruit with 1 tea spoon of the sweetener and set aside
  • Beat the remaining sweetener, soft cheese and yogurt together
  • Place the gelatine on a plate over a bowl of boiling water with 120ml of water, stirring until the gelatine has dissolved. DON'T LEAVE THE GELATINE ONCE DISSOLVED - IT WILL SET!
  • Stir 1 rea spoon of the dissolved gelatine into the fruit puree, the rest goes into the cheese/yogurt mixture.
  • Nudge the baking rings on the plate or it will be difficult to remove the cheesecakes later.
  • Spoon half the cheese mixture over the biscuit bases then top with the fruit puree. Cover with the remaining soft cheese and chill for arouns 2 hours or until set.
  • To serve, run a knife around the inside of the baking ring. Garnish with the remiaing fruit and mint sprigs.
  • 5 weightwatchers pro-points per cheesecake
  • From page 9 of the magazine 'Your Week' reference 37 SKU 203109

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