

Bolognese Sauce
Bechemal Sauce
Grated cheese
Lasagne pasta
Sliced tomatoes [optional]

  • Make both sauces as described below, start the Bolognese first as it takes longer
  • Grate approx 200g cheese and put to one side
  • Slice tomatoes and put to one side
  • Spread one layer of Bolognese Sauce on the bottom of a large ovenproof bowl
  • Place uncooked sheets of lasagne on top of the Bolognese Sauce
  • Cover the lasagne with the Bechemel Sauce
  • Continue until all your sauces have gone, you should get two or three layers out of the ingrediants depending on the size of your bowl
  • The final layer should be Bechemel Sauce.
  • Sprinkle the grated cheese on the Bechemel Sauce and arrange the sliced tomatoes on the cheese.

Bolognese Sauce


Low calorie spray/olive oil
I onion
3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
800 g minced beef
14oz can chopped tomatoes
1/2 tube tomatoe puree
1/4 pint beef stock or red wine
Salt & Pepper
1 tea spoon oregana/mixed herbs
1 onion
800g minced beef
1 family size jar of Dolmio Bolognese Sauce

Fry the onion and beef until browned
Add all other ingrediants / Dolmio and simmer for 20-25 mins

Carbonara Sauce


1 onion [optional]
30g Margerine
1 pint milk
30g Plain flour
Salt and pepper
Mixed herbs

Melt the margerine over a low heat in a saucepan
Chop the onion & bacon, put in the saucepan and fry until cooked
Sprinkle the plain flour over the bacon, onion and margerine but keep the stirring the mixture all the time
Add the milk a llittle at a time, keep stirring or it will go lumpy!
Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste

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