Carbonara Sauce



4 rashers bacon [ [optional]
1 onion [optional]
50g Margerine
1 pint skimmed milk
30g Plain flour
Salt and pepper
Mixed herbs

  • Melt the margerine over a low heat in a saucepan
  • Chop the onion & bacon, put in the saucepan and fry until cooked 
  • Sprinkle the plain flour over the bacon, onion and margerine but keep the stirring the mixture all the time
  • Add the milk a llittle at a time, keep stirring or it will go lumpy!
  • Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste
  • Without the bacon this recipe can be the base of many sauces. For example, add grated cheese and you've got cheese sauce.
  • This recipe is similar to 'bechamel sauce' which is used in lasagne
  • It's quick to make and adaptable

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